International Master in Vaccinology
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is offering an International Master in Vaccinology (IMVACC) developed by the Swiss Vaccine Research Institute (SVRI) in collaboration with the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).
IMVACC comprises one year of on-line teaching of vaccinology followed by a 6 months to one year specialization internship in a vaccine-related activity (industry, basic or translational research, regulatory affairs, etc.) including the preparation of a master’s thesis. Graduates will gain a broad knowledge of how vaccines are designed, developed, manufactured and implemented through public health programs.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for collaboration on support and development of students from South Africa has been concluded on November 2017 between the following Parties:
– The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
– The University of Lausanne (UNIL)
– The Swiss Vaccine Research Institute (SVRI)
The purpose of this MoU is to define the terms collaboration between the Parties in relation to the participation of South African students to the International Master of Advances Studies in Vaccinology.

IMVACC Class 2020

IMVACC Class 2019

IMVACC Class 2018